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Brand Story by POPIT

  • Q.

  • 会社のビジョンや理念を教えてください。

  • A.

  • 医療の現場において治療の成果を発揮しやすくすると共に、薬の廃棄量を減らすべくサービスの開発に取り組んでいます。

    スマートデバイスによって正しい服薬をサポートし、患者さんの QOL(生活の質)を向上させ、製薬業界の持続可能性を高めることにも貢献していきます。

  • Q.

  • 起業のきっかけを教えてください

  • A.

  • 整形外科医をしている知人から「手術をした患者さんが数週間後に通院してきた際、処方した薬をきちんと飲んでいなかった」という話を聞いたことがきっかけです。




  • Q.

  • 解決したい問題を教えてください。

  • A.

  • 薬の飲み忘れ、および廃棄問題です。これは世界中で大きな問題となっています。 


  • Q.

  • 手がけている製品について簡単に教えてください。

  • A.

  • Popit は、専用アプリとスマートデバイス(Popit Sense)を連携させて、毎日の薬の服用をサポートする新しいリマインダーです。医療従事者と共同開発を行っています。


  • Q.

  • What is your vision and mission?

  • A.

  • Popit is working to improve patient treatment outcomes and simultaneously reduce medication waste. The company supports the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is a pioneer in improving medication adherence through smart consumer devices. By improving adherence, Popit has a positive impact on the patient's quality of life and is helping to make the pharmaceutical industry more sustainable.

  • Q.

  • Why did you start the company?

  • A.

  • A friend of ours is an orthopedic surgeon and he was complaining that he has done an operation, the patient comes back after a few weeks and he notices they have not taken the prescribed medications. As a result they have not healed properly. In the worst case scenario he has to do another operation, which is very expensive and the end result is not as good. After asking his patients it turned out that the majority simply forgot to take the medications. Sure, there are reminder apps, but patients quickly grew tired of the reminders because they were irrelevant. You might have taken the medication already, but still get the alarm. That’s not very smart.

    Being from Finland and having a very engineering-driven mindset, we sat down as a team to think about how medication could be digitized. Steps are digital, heart rate, sleep… All digital already and in your smartphone or wrist. We concluded that the medication could be digitized as well.

  • Q.

  • Tell us about the issues your company is trying to solve.

  • A.

  • Medication adherence, patient engagement to therapy and medication waste.

    According to the WHO a staggering 50% of patients do not take medications like they should. It goes without saying that patients are not getting the best treatment outcomes like this, but it also carries huge consequences to the healthcare system and is not very sustainable. For example the medicine spending in Japan in 2019 totaled almost 10 trillion Yen. What if even 1% of that could be saved? Now 50% is wasted.

  • Q.

  • Please give us a brief description of your product.

  • A.

  • Popit Sense is the new, evolved version of the humble reminder. It has been developed together with healthcare professionals and is trusted by some of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies.

    Together with the free app it keeps you on track and helps with your daily pill routine. Because it’s smart, it reminds you only if you’ve forgotten. And because it has unique tech, it automatically detects whenever you’ve taken a pill. Our team conducted a clinical study and was able to prove that the solution reduced missed pills by over 80%.

Popit フィンランド / 2015

Teemu Piirainen (CEO)


専用アプリとスマートデバイスで薬の服用を追跡し、飲み忘れたときにのみお知らせするシステムを提供する Popit。薬を服用する全ての人と製薬業界の両方に貢献しています。


Popit Ltd.

Popit Finland / 2015

Teemu Piirainen (CEO)

Improving medication adherence

Every patient is also a consumer. At Popit we believe medical technology should be as appealing as the other products you love and use every day. Popit's customer segments are major corporations in the pharmaceutical industry and consumer-patients. For both segments Popit is a reliable, helpful and innovative brand, with whom it is easy to converse even in an informal way.

Our products are elegant, simple and stylish, drawing inspiration also from Finnish design where form follows function.

Popit Ltd.


フィンランド / 2015

Teemu Piirainen (CEO)


専用アプリとスマートデバイスで薬の服用を追跡し、飲み忘れたときにのみお知らせするシステムを提供する Popit。薬を服用する全ての人と製薬業界の両方に貢献しています。


Popit Ltd.


Finland / 2015

Teemu Piirainen (CEO)

Improving medication adherence

Every patient is also a consumer. At Popit we believe medical technology should be as appealing as the other products you love and use every day. Popit's customer segments are major corporations in the pharmaceutical industry and consumer-patients. For both segments Popit is a reliable, helpful and innovative brand, with whom it is easy to converse even in an informal way.

Our products are elegant, simple and stylish, drawing inspiration also from Finnish design where form follows function.

Popit Ltd.